In Search of An-Noor
Everyone has a different path, a different journey. Some are rosy, while some are thorny. But, often times we find that thorny paths bear some of the sweetest flowers.

We plan, but indeed Allah SWT is the best planner.

I sought for more. I asked more questions. How should I dress daily? Am I properly covered or just merely wrapped up? There was always something I could do better like wearing apparel that fitted loosely and defined the silhouette of a true Muslimah.
When we work on our relationship with our Lord, He takes care of our affairs.
One thing that I always asked for was for Allah SWT to light up my path. To guide me to the correct path and to constantly be walking on the right path. The path that leads to Jannahtul Firdaus, the garden where the river flows.
These many ‘hijrahs’ of mine have transformed me into who I am today. I will never be perfect as perfection is Allah SWT, but I pray that Allah SWT will keep me close and illuminate my path till my last breath. I hope to continue with my journey, improving the different aspects of my life, be it massive or minuscule.
To me, Hijrah is when we have finally found the purpose of this life. There is nothing more important than pleasing our Creator, The Most Merciful and The Most Gracious Allah SWT.
"Indeed, Allah SWT will not change the condition of a people, until they change what is in themselves" (Al Ra’d 13:11)
May we constantly work towards getting closer to Him, abandon the acts that are frowned upon by Him and please Him every minute of every day with everything that we do. May we continuously Hijrah Fisabililah, and may Allah SWT always grant us Noor that will guide us to the correct path.
Allahummah dini wa saddidni
"O Allah, direct me to the right path and make me adhere to the straight path"
(Sahih Muslim 2725)
Allaahumma aj’al fi qalbi nooran wa fi lisaani nooran waj’al fi sam’i nooran waj’al fi basari nooran waj’al min khalfi nooran wa min amaami nooran waj’al min fawqi nooran wa min tahti nooran, Allaahummah a’tini nooran
"Oh Allah Place light in my heart, light in my tongue, light in my hearing, light in my sight, light above me, light below me, light on my right, light on my left, light in front of me, light behind me, place light in my soul, and make light abundant for me."
(Sahih Muslim 763J)
Ya Allah, please do not leave us even for a blink of an eye and grant us everlasting Noor, ameen
With love, Diyana Halik
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